Tips For Self Care

If you have ever been on a plane, you may have heard instructions that told you to, in case the plane depressurizes in an emergency, put on your own oxygen mask before attempting to help someone else with theirs. The reason for this is that unless you take care of yourself, you are not able to assist others.

I am a fitness instructor and I talk to a lot of people about their fitness. Sometimes it is hard, because when I ask people the questions, "How did you get out of shape?" the answers often have to do with the fact that they have not taken care of themselves.

If you haven't done anything significant to help yourself, how will you be able to help others? When I sit with clients, I frequently ask them two important questions: "What are you doing to invest in yourself?" and "What are you doing to invest in others?" Unless people invest in themselves, they have a very difficult time trying to invest in others.

Some people think that you cannot work on your own health and dreams if you have children. This is because they think taking care of children supersedes taking care of themselves. However, you cannot give away what you do not possess yourself. Why do you think you can teach your children what you are not practicing?

You are probably aware of the increase in childhood obesity that we are seeing in our culture. This may be due to the fact that so many parents are not only neglecting their own health, but they are modeling that behavior for their children. The problem continues to the next generation.

Sometimes we need to look hard in the mirror and take responsibility for where we are and what we are teaching. If you do nothing today but make the decision to start eating breakfast, get a 25- minute workout in and upgrade your life because you value it and believe your kids should see you at your best--well then we can rest our heads peacefully tonight.

By Vito La Fata

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