Simple Solutions To Lose Weight Without Exercise

Obesity rates are on the rise. Even though most overweight people are aware they need to lose weight, starting and sticking to a strict diet and exercise routine is difficult to sustain.

One of the key ingredients for losing weight is regular exercise. Unfortunately, exercise is something many people despise. With that being said, is there a way to get healthy and lose weight without exercise?

The good news is there are some simple ways to lose weight without exercising.

Do Not Drink Soda

Simple Solutions,Lose Weight ,Exercise,Do Not Drink Soda,Portion Control,Use The Stairs,eyeweight,Sodas are packed with sugar and calories. If you have a 2 soda a day habit, that is the equivalent of 102,200 calories or approximately 30 lbs in a year.

Eliminating soda from your diet can be instrumental in helping you lose some of the unwanted pounds.

Choose Healthy Low Calorie Snacks

When you find yourself getting hungry between meals, reach for something healthy like a piece of fruit instead of cakes and cookies.

Fruit is not only healthy but it's also a great way to satisfy cravings for sweet.

Portion Control

Simple Solutions,Lose Weight ,Exercise,Do Not Drink Soda,Portion Control,Use The Stairs,eyeweight,Cutting back on the amount of food you are eating and monitoring the number of calories you are consuming is essential for weight loss.

The best way to do this is to eat the recommended serving size but if that's not possible start by eating half of the amount you usually eat.

When you cut back on the amount of food you eat, you cut back on calories and start to slowly lose weight.

Consume Eight or More Glasses Of Water Daily

In order to cleanse the body of toxins and keep your digestive system functioning at peak capacity you need to drink lots of water.

Drinking water during the day fills you up and keeps you from feeling hungry between meals. This calorie free beverage is the ideal replacement for high calorie and sweet drinks like soda.

Your target should be 8 or more glasses per day.

Use The Stairs

Simple Solutions,Lose Weight ,Exercise,Do Not Drink Soda,Portion Control,Use The Stairs,eyeweight,
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator whenever possible is a simple but effective way to your body moving a bit more. Utilizing the stairs may not seem to be much help with losing but in actuality it helps your body burn more calories.

When done on a regular basis it can result in several pounds of weight loss yearly.

Following these 5 tips can put you on the path to successful weight loss by helping you lose weight without exercise.

Even though it is possible to lose weight without exercise, you will lose more weight and improve your health by adding an exercise plan to your life.

By Sheila Bell

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