Top Ten Strategies for Effective Weight Loss

Ten Strategies for Effective Weight Loss Effective Weight Loss    10 Strategies for Effective Weight Loss Effective Weight Loss     Effective Weight Loss Before going into the holiday season and new year, it is good to think about away our unwanted kilos minimum provision of fie Gras and chocolate log.Weigh yourself  Remains to find the right method. has prepared a list of 10 very restrictive and proven strategies. Your turn!Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    1 / Weigh yourself regularly:    Effective Weight Loss There was a time when experts recommend that you stay away from the scale, due to the effect of any discouragement. Weigh yourself  Those days are gone: who studied 3,500 people who have lost 30 pounds and kept the weight off for at least a year, research shows that 44% of them are weighed every day. Unhealthy Obsession? Not really, according to Dr.Weigh yourself   James Hill, director of nutrition at the University of Colorado: They use it as an alarm to prevent weight regain.Weigh yourself   If your goal is to stay at a certain weight, it is essential to have regular information to measure their efforts and success.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    2 / Turn off the TV    Effective Weight Loss The small screen is not only guilty of the inactive retaining its ads are not consumed food through his wheelchair. Weigh yourself  Scientists in New York have recently shown that just to see the food causes a physiological reaction that grows to feed.Weigh yourself   According to the study, images of foods cause an increase in brain activity in the brain region associated with the acquisition. Weigh yourself  Ads testing their limits, you know.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    3 / Reza against fat    Effective Weight Loss A study by Cornell University, American Christians who feel close to God through prayer are more physically active than others.Weigh yourself   "Studies have shown that people who have moved on more social support, and being close to God can provide this support," says research director Karen Kim. Weigh yourself  Another possible explanation is that the American conception of religion is a temple of the body, can lead to a healthier lifestyle and increased physical activity.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    4 / Beware the munchies!    Effective Weight Loss "Hunger increases the sensitivity of humans to try savory and sweet substances," says Dr. Weigh yourself  Yuri Verge at the University of Malawi. Weigh yourself  Coincidentally, chocolate bars or chips found in all distributors contain salt and sugar. Weigh yourself  These snacks will be even better for your taste buds. The solution: eat regularly throughout the day helps avoid these cravings.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    5 / Almonds against fat    Effective Weight Loss A recent study showed that consumption of almonds seven times a day helps you lose weight. Weigh yourself  For six months, patients in a U.S. medical center had a low calorie diet with almonds and reducing its weight by 18%. Almonds are rich in nutrients that provide fiber, protein and good fats, which together contribute to the feeling of satiety. Weigh yourself  Our advice: go raw almonds, no salt or sodium. Flavor 15 to 20 and 50 to replace a meal.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    6 / Just in time    Effective Weight Loss Long summer days can help you lose weight.Weigh yourself   The best time to start a diet is the month of May, because the days are longer. Weigh yourself  This increases your energy and decreases appetite. However, January is the worst time to start a diet. The days are shorter, lowers levels of serotonin, which causes anxiety.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    7 / Breakfast cereals    Effective Weight Loss A study by Purdue University shows that replacing a meal with cereal promotes weight loss. Weigh yourself  In one study, participants eat cereals consumed an average of 640 calories per day and lost almost two pounds in two weeks. Weigh yourself  Of course, forget the intensive cereal with chocolate chips and prefer those that are high in fat associated with milk fibers.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    8 / Do not fear the needle    Effective Weight Loss Polish researchers have conducted research on acupuncture and its effects on weight. Weigh yourself  The results showed that people who were on the needles have lost five kilos more than those who simply cut your calorie intake. Weigh yourself  Marie Cargill, Acupuncturist in Boston, says the pressure points of the body, especially the ears, triggering an electrical impulse in the brain that suppresses appetite. Effective Weight Loss    9 / Dairy allies pure A study by the University of Tennessee found that people who eat every Effective Weight Loss day the equivalent of 1,200 mg of calcium in dairy products, are losing an average of 12 pounds, or 11% of its body weight.Weigh yourself   The reason is simple: when we are lack of calcium, which are more likely to produce less efficient fat burning materials.Weigh yourself   A glass of milk, low fat yogurt low fat or a small serving of cheese should now be part of your daily life.Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss    10 / Bet yourself    Effective Weight Loss "Men do well when planning a competition," says New York nutritionist Joy Bauer. Weigh yourself  Try a diet of equipment to increase their motivation. Want to win the bet and avoid wasting your computer.Weigh yourself   Healthy competition always brings out the best of the person  Weigh yourself Effective Weight Loss

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